Stay in touch
The speculative project focused on the relationship between human and non-human species, respectively the relationship between humans and plants.
Almost everyone has any potted plant at home. We can no longer call these houseplants wild species growing freely in nature. They are domesticated now and their significant feature, the root system, is closed in a pot without the possibility to communicate with other plants. So as people who are forced to stay in their homes without the possibility of physical contact with the others during a pandemic.
What if humans could use the plant root system for interpersonal communication in times when they are forced to stay at home?
The plant root system reminds the infinitely branched worldwide web. It seems so easy, just insert the artifact into your navel, connect with plants and send messages . . .
But isn’t it the other way around? Isn’t the human body just a tool that potted plants use for communication with the other ones?
Maybe humans are not anymore on the top of the hierarchical pyramid.

"I like being surrounded by plants in my home. It's almost like having an indoor garden” she said. Later that day, we see her sitting in the living room, inserting
the instrument into her navel and connecting it to her potted plants. The same ritual everyday. The cord extended fro her navel and wrapped around the
roots in the vase. But there was an unspoken question:
who is connected to whom?