Aren't you missing that?
The theme of the project Aren’t you missing that? is walking. The work shows this activity as an operation that is very often done automatically - we simply move from one place to another. This work aims to promote walking as an autonomous activity that should be done with full concentration and without a predetermined goal.
Series of analog and digital walk-recordings present this activity as a very rhythmic movement changing according to the terrain, type of the shoe character or the person itself. At the same time, this project opens a discussion about the suitability and unsuitability of the footwear commonly worn by people. The suitable shoe allows the foot to experience as much terrain information as possible. A shoe with a high sole does not allow this experience and disconnects humans from the earth.
In addition to experiments with walking, the outcome of this project is a collection barefoot shoes. Visual inspiration came directly from graphic walk-recordings and spectrograms obtained by a digital recording of walking sound.